让PPT演示既有质量又有效率(进阶课)| Make the PowerPoint Presentation with High Quality and Efficiency
Event language(s)
From the quality of communication to the efficiency of communication, through systematic learning and practice of cases, we can help you polish professional level presentations.
- 系统设计演示内容的结构框架、逻辑关系及信息质量,以便提高演示质量
- 让演示文稿中的各类信息更直观、更形象化,并运用动画效果,提升演示效率
- The structure framework, logical relationship and information quality of the contents, so as to improve the presentation quality
- Make all kinds of information in the presentation more visualized, and use animation to improve the efficiency of presentation
内容的清晰表达 – 提升沟通质量
- 演示内容的清晰表达
- 结构化表达的架构搭建
- 2大核心要素
- 3种搭建结构的方式
- 不同演示内容的结构模型介绍
- 明确内容之间的各类逻辑关系
- 提升信息的表达质量及方式
- 如何迎合不同听众的需求(关注点、兴趣点、利益点)
- 如何引导听众的判断和决策实现演示目的
- 如何让论点信息更有力
- 如何让论据内容更充分
- 情境的引入让表达更清晰更明确
- 结构化表达的架构搭建
- 演示内容的完整框架
- 整体演示框架:引入-展开-结尾
- 引入-ABCD法则
- 展开-如何起承转合、合理衔接
- 结尾-EFG法则
- 整体演示框架:引入-展开-结尾
- Logical of contents
- The structure framework
- 2 core elements
- 3 way of structuring
- Introduction of structure modeling
- The logical relationship
- Improve the quality and method of information expression
- How to meet the needs of different audiences (concerns, interests)
- How to guide the audience's judgment and decision to achieve the purpose of presentation
- How to make the points more powerful
- How to make the arguments more sufficient
- Situation introducing
- The structure framework
- Complete framework of contents
- The overall presentation framework: Introduction - Expansion – Ending
- Introduction - ABCD Rule
- Expansion - How to make a reasonable connection
- Ending - EFG Rule
- The overall presentation framework: Introduction - Expansion – Ending
形式的视觉呈现 – 提升沟通效率
- 演示形式的专业设计
- 文字类信息的高效率表达
- 如何从WORD文档中自动导入结构化的演示内容
- 运用创意图形,直观呈现演示文稿中的文字类信息
- 外观设计 – 布尔运算、自定义图形
- 特殊布局及排版设计
- 如何通过颜色辅助说明文字的逻辑、主次、重点
- 运用图片辅助表达演示内容
- 选图的规则及方法
- 图片与文字的各种进阶排版与布局设计
- 数据类信息的高效率表达
- 掌握数据的不同表达要求:突出对比、强化、弱化等
- 掌握数据的不同表达方式:锚定、绝对值、相对值、总值、单位值
- 设计特定的图表类型及效果-瀑布图、甘特图、条形对比图等
- 文字类信息的高效率表达
- 高级动画效果设计
- 如何让内容按逻辑顺序清晰演示
- 怎样给内容设定演示路线图
- 怎样增强演示特效,让观众对内容更加印象深刻
- Professional design of appearances
- Efficiency expression of text information
- How to automatically import structured content from WORD documents
- Use creative graphics to visually present the text information in the presentation
- Shape design - Boolean operation, Custom graphics
- Special layout and layout design
- How to explain the logic, key points of text through color theme
- Use pictures to express the content
- Rules and methods of selecting graphics
- Various advanced typesetting and layout design of pictures
- Efficiency expression of data information
- Master the different expression requirements of data: highlight contrast, strengthen, weaken, etc.
- Master the different expression methods of data: anchoring, absolute value, relative value, total value and unit value
- Design specific chart types and effects - Waterfall chart, Gantt chart, Bar chart, etc.
- Efficiency expression of text information
- Advanced animation effect design
- How to present the content clearly in logical order
- How to set motion path for content
- How to enhance the presentation effects to make the audience more impressed with the content
上课时间 :9月3日 9:00-12:00 13:00-16:00
Time:9月3日 9:00-12:00 13:00-16:00
价格:非会员:998元/人 会员:898元/人
Price:Non members 998 per person; members 898 per person
Please scan the QR code or send e-mail to sc-hr(@)ccifc.org to register.
让PPT演示既有质量又有效率(进阶课)| Make the PowerPoint Presentation with High Quality and Efficiency
Event ended.