08.22|Round Table: France Attractiveness Committee《投资法国吸引力》圆桌会议
Open to CCI FRANCE CHINE members, Business France and CCPIT Guangdong invitees.
Event ended.
CCI FRANCE CHINE is glad to invite you to the 4th edition to the France Attractiveness Committee. For the occasion, the experts of Business France will showcase the "France 2030" program along with the business environment in France.
This presentation will be followed by two speeches during which Frédéric Recordon, partner at Accuracy, will share his practical experience of a successful investment in France, and Christine Miles, partner at DHH Law Firm and vice-president of CCI FRANCE CHINE, will go into detail on the key regulations when investing in the development of factories in France.
This event will be held in Chinese and English.
Agenda 活动流程
2:30 - 3:00 PM | Participants registration 参会来宾签到 |
PARTIE I 第一部分: Introduction Speech 开幕致辞 | |
3:00 - 3:15 PM | 广东省贸促会领导致开幕辞
Mr. Fabien Pacory - Executive Vice President at CCI FRANCE CHINE 柏纪言先生,中国法国工商会常务副会长
Mr. Jérôme Coustans - Director of Business France South China, Inward Investment Department Chief 顾杰宏先生,广州办公室及深圳联络处主任, 投资部参赞 |
PARTIE II 第二部分:Sino-French Cooperation Opportunities 中法合作机遇 | |
3:15 - 3:20 PM | Presentation of the France Attractiveness Committee 法国吸引力专业委员会的介绍 CCI FRANCE CHINE中国法国工商会 |
3:20 - 3:35 PM | Program "France 2030" "法国 2030 "计划 Mrs. Juan LUO 罗娟 Business France Guangzhou 法国商务投资署 |
3:35 - 3:50 PM | Experience sharing of a successful investment in France 法国成功投资的实际案例分享 Mr. Frédéric Recordon 河高佟 Accuracy 安可锐咨询公司 |
3:50 - 4:05 PM | Key regulations for investing in new factories in France 在法国投资开发工厂时法律层面主要关注点 Mrs. Christine Miles 米乐 DHH Law Firm 德和衡律师事务所 |
PARTIE III 第三部分: Testimonials from Chinese investors in France 投资法国企业代表经验分享 | |
4:05 - 4:40 PM | Testimonials from Chinese investors in France 中国企业投资法国经验分享 |
4:40 - 5:00 PM | Q&A 问答环节 |
Panelists 主讲嘉宾
Mr. Jérôme Coustans 顾杰宏
Director of the Guangzhou office, Inward Investment Department Chief
广州办公室及深圳联络处主任, 投资部参赞
Mrs. Juan LUO 罗娟
Business Development Manager Inward Investment in South China, Business France Guangzhou
Mr. Frédéric RECORDON 河高佟
Partner at Accuracy & Beijing Board Member at CCI FRANCE CHINE
安可锐咨询公司合伙人 & 中国法国工商会理事
Mme. Christine MILES 米乐
Partner at DHH Law Firm & Vice President at CCI FRANCE CHINE
Language/语言 : Chinese & English 中文及英语
Date/日期 : Thursday, August 22nd, 2024, 8月22日 周四
Time/时间 : 2:30 - 5:00 PM
Participation 参加活动:
Open to CCI FRANCE CHINE members, Business France and CCPIT Guangdong invitees.
Venue 地点:
39th Floor, Poly Development Plaza, 832 Yuejiang Middle Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province
Event Location
08.22|Round Table: France Attractiveness Committee《投资法国吸引力》圆桌会议
Event ended.