10.23-10.25 | [Guangzhou Training] ISO14067 Carbon Footprint Internal Verifier Training ISO 14067/PAS 2050 产品碳足迹内部核查员
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This training is conducted in Chinese. 本次课程用中文授课。
课程背景 Background
近年来,由于全球各界对于气候变化的关注,温室气体的排放已经是大家关注的焦点。世界各地的政府、企业和组织都面临着越来越多的要求,需要他们付出更大的努力来减少碳排放。中国宣布了到2060年实现碳中和的宏伟目标。温室气体的排放和移除可以发生在一个产品生命周期的每个阶段,包括原材料获取、运输储存、设计生产、产品使用和最终废弃处置。量化一个产品在生命周期各个阶段温室气体的排放和移除,有利于识别排放和移除的重点环节从而制定减少排放和增加移除的行动计划。产品碳足迹标准(ISO 14067:2018)详细说明了基于产品生命周期量化产品碳足迹的原则、要求和指南。应用ISO 14067:2018标准来量化产品碳足迹可以确保结果的清晰性、一致性和可信性。
In recent years, due to the global concern about climate change, GHG emissions have been the focus of attention. Governments, enterprises and organizations around the world are facing increasing demands for greater efforts to reduce carbon emissions. China has announced a magnificent target of becoming carbon neutral by 2060. GHG emissions and removal can occur at every stage of a product's life cycle, including raw material acquisition, transportation, storage, design and production, product use, and final disposal. Quantifying GHG emissions and removals at all stages of a product's life cycle helps to identify key areas of emissions and removals to develop action plans to reduce emissions and increase removals. ISO 14067:2018 details the principles, requirements and guidelines for quantifying a product's carbon footprint based on the product life cycle. Applying ISO 14067:2018 to quantify a product's carbon footprint ensures clarity, consistency and credibility of the results.
课程目标 Objectives
- 找出节能及降低成本的机会及降低温室气体排放
- Identify opportunities to save energy and reduce costs and reduce GHG emissions
- 将来自供应商、原料、产品设计及制程的排放影响整合到公司减量决策中
- Integrate emissions impacts from suppliers, feedstocks, product design, and manufacturing processes into the company's volume reduction decisions
- 展示企业环保及企业责任的领导力利于公司应对供应链的审核和评价
- To Demonstrate leadership in environmental protection and corporate responsibility is beneficial to the company's response to supply chain audit and evaluation
- 实现可持续发展,为低碳经济做准备
- To achieve sustainable development and prepare for a low-carbon economy
- 满足客户对于产品碳足迹的信息需求、市场区域化并满足绿色消费者需求。
- To meet customers' information needs for PCF, market regionalization and meet the needs of green consumers.
适用对象 Audience
- 企业规划及推动产品碳足迹相关部门(如:负责能源消耗统计、产品生产统计、供应商管理、产品和原材料运输管理相关的人员)
- The related departments responsible for Enterprise planning and PCF promotion (e.g., responsible for energy consumption statistics, product production statistics, supplier management, product and raw material transportation management related personnel)
- 组织内部负责推动、执行碳产品足迹数据提供和计算的人员
- The person within the organization responsible for driving and executing the provision and calculation of PCF data
- 辅导组织建立产品碳足迹核查的专业顾问人员
- Professional consultants who help organizations establish PCF verification
- 想了解标准、国际趋势与知识应用及取得个人专业资格的人员
- People who would like to understand standards, international trends and the application of knowledge and would like to acquire personal professional qualifications
课程大纲 Course Outline
- IS014067关键定义介绍
- Introduce the key definitions of IS014067
- IS014067盘查思路、原则和要求
- IS014067 inventory ideas, principles, and requirements
- IS014067标准条款讲解
- IS014067 Standard terms and conditions
- 系统边界、排放源数据收集要求
- System boundary, the requirements of emission source data collection
- 产品LCA分析方法
- Methods for LCA analysis of products
- 排放数据选择和分配方法介绍
- Introduction of emission data selection and allocation method
- 产品碳足迹排放量计算和汇总
- PCF emission calculation and summary
- 常用排放源计算方法学和默认因子
- Common emission source calculation methodology and default factors
- 产品碳足迹结果分析、声明、报告和披露
- The results analysis, statement, reporting and disclosure of PCF
- 产品碳足迹现场核查流程和方法
- Process and method for on-site verification of PCF
- 核查声明和报告要求
- Verification of statements and reporting requirements
- 案例分析、练习
- Case study and practice
课程安排 Agenda
日期&时间 Date & Time :
2023.10.23-10.25 09:00-12:00,13:30-17:30
授课语言 Language :
Chinese 中文(考试)
Students who have full attendance and pass the exam can acquire ISO 14067 Carbon Footprint Internal Verifier Training Certification.
09:00 - 17:30 | First Session |
09:00 - 17:30 | Second Session |
09:00 - 17:30 | Third Session |
讲师 Trainer
Guoqiao Feng
Technical Manager of South China, Certification Dept.
Bureau Veritas
自2007年加入BV认证以来,主要从事ISO14064/ISO14067 PAS2060 / FSC/ RSPO / IMS 以及 ISO55000的审核工作,同时担任华南区技术经理和培训讲师。具备日资企业的制造管理经验、丰富的环境安全以及碳排放和能源管理的实践经验,能结合企业实际进行优化、革新和提升。服务客户包括:IBM, Schneider, Hitachi, SONY, Emerson, EPSON,联想,广州地铁、东莞地铁、福耀集团、宁德时代、振华、新世界、施耐德、ABB、富港电子等。
Graduated from Hubei University, Feng has practical experience in manufacturing management, environment and safety,carbon emission and energy management. As technical manager of BV South China, he has devoted himself to auditing and training in ISO 14064, ISO 14067, PAS2060, FSC, RSPO, IMS and ISO 55000. In the past 15 years, he has provided auditing and training services to world leading companies like IBM, Schneider, Hitachi, SONY, Emerson, EPSON, Lenovo, TCL, ABB, TDK, OMRON, Guangzhou Metro, New World China etc.
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Event Location
10.23-10.25 | [Guangzhou Training] ISO14067 Carbon Footprint Internal Verifier Training ISO 14067/PAS 2050 产品碳足迹内部核查员
Event ended.