Government Affairs Training - Business Advocacy Based on Professional Government Relations
Event language(s)
This course is intended for Government Affairs (GA) practitioners to deal with the relationship between enterprise and the Chinese government.
This course will be conducted in Chinese.
This course is intended for Government Affairs (GA) practitioners better understand and deal with the relationship between the enterprise and Chinese government, and how to advocate the business interests of enterprise to the government more effectively on this basis. Specifically, the program focuses on how to identify the right stakeholders, build win-win solutions, and communicate effectively with the internal & external stakeholders.
课程大纲 Course Outline:
1. 政府关系工作的发展背景和重要作用 Development Background and Importance of Government Relations Work
- 从政府关系到政府事务:工作发展历程,以及重点的变化 From Government Relations (GR) to Government Affairs (GA): Development and changes in the focus of work
- 政府事务工作范围和基本工作方法 cope and basic working methods of government affairs
2. 了解政府关系的工作对象 — 中国政府如何运转 Understand the Working Object of Government Relations – How Does the Chinese Government Operate
- 中国政府的结构,及其在经济活动中的重要性 The structure of the Chinese government and its importance in the economic activities
- 各级政府机构之间的关系 Relationship between government agencies at all level
3. 专业的政府关系和利益诉求工作体系 Professional Government Relations and Advocacy Working System
- 如何才能建立起系统专业的政府关系,以帮助企业达成业务目标?How to establish a systematic and professional government relations network to achieve the business objective?
- 谁才是我们应该沟通的对象?如何找到“双赢点”? Who to engage and how to find “win-win” opportunities?
- 当我们需要实现某个特定的利益诉求时,应如何设计沟通策略?When presented with a specific advocacy goal, how to design a communication strategy
4. 政府监管环境的变化,对政府关系工作提出更高要求 The changing government administration environment puts forward higher requirements on government relations work
参加人员 Who Should Attend?
- 希望对自身工作技能进行系统性提高的,具有1-5年与政府事务相关经验的政府事务专员或经理。GA associates and managers with 1 – 5 years of GA related experience that want to have a systematic improvement of their skillsets
- 需要更好了解如何系统性、有战略性地与政府部门沟通企业主张,从而帮助达成业务目标的人士。 People who need to have a better understanding of how to plan for advocacy activities and support business objectives systematically and strategically.
本课程旨在提高课程参与者的以下技巧 This course is intended to enhance the following skillsets:
- 战略思考能力:如何界定并实施有助于达到业务目标的政府关系和政府事务战略。Strategic thinking: How to define and execute GR & GA strategies oriented toward business goals
- 关键部门管理和沟通能力:如何界定正确的关键部门、达成双赢解决方案,并将其表达清楚。Stakeholder management and communication: How to identify the right stakeholders and build win-win solutions, and articulate it clearly
- 建立关系网:如何建立有效的内外关系网络并调动资源。Networking: How to establish useful internal and external networks and mobilize resources
Online Training, the connection information will be sent after registration.

Government Affairs Training - Business Advocacy Based on Professional Government Relations
Event ended.