How to be a successful Executive Assistant
Event language(s)
This course will help you to better understand the environment of your company, the strength and opportunity to be a successful Executive Assistant
This course will help you to better understand the environment of your company, the strength and opportunity to be a successful Executive Assistant. You will learn tools and techniques that develop your communication skills, self-confidence and assertiveness, so that to deal with wide range of challenging situation.
April 16th,17th,23rd,24th 14:00-18:00
Understand the environment of the company and the role of an Executive Assistant in the company
- Understand the corporate culture of your company
- The relationship with your manager and your peers
- The strength & opportunity of an Executive Assistant
- What is your goal in your career path? Where stand your motivation?
The main tasks of an Executive Assistant and skill & qualities of a good Executive Assistant
- The main tasks and characteristics of being an Executive Assistant
- Skill & qualities required of a competent Executive Assistant
- Find out your strengths and points of improvement
How to improve your work efficiency?
- Improve your Time organization
- Managing your own time
- Managing your manager's time
- Managing priorities when multiples tasks
An effective communication
- Verbal & Non-verbal communication
- Key factors of an effective communication
- Deep and effective listening
- Express yourself clearly and with confidence
- Art of questioning
- How to say “NO”
What communication skills an Executive Assistant needs to have?
- Build up a successful relationship with your manager
- Understand your manager's needs and expectation
- Different style of communication for different type of manager
- Different way of communication between Chinese and Western manager
- Business writing: DO and Don't Do
Manage your emotions, deal with pressure and conflict situation
- Build up your self-confidence
- Understand the origin of the conflict, understand others emotions
- Cope with other's critics and reproaches
- Set you own objectives, and your action plan
This course is based on a practical approach with individual exercise & test, group game, and realistic case studies.
Executive assistants who want to develop their professional capabilities, fulfill their tasks more effectively, and improve their communication skills.
Please contact sc-hr@ccifc.org to complete your registration

How to be a successful Executive Assistant
Event ended.