How to deal with work related injury? 手把手教你复杂工伤如何处理 ?
Event language(s)
2021年4月8日(周四)13:30-16:30 半天
2021年4月9日(周五)13:30-16:30 半天
We always think work-related injury is rare and far away from us. However, HRs who have dealt with this know it is a real headache. It is not only because of the various forms of work-related injuries, but also the conditions and proves to judge each case, as well as the complexity of compensation apply and payment.
员工在工作岗位上,在出差中,在员工宿舍出现意外,出现交通事故等不同情形下,什么情况下算工伤?什么情况视同工伤?工伤一旦发生,用人单位需要支付哪些费用?面对员工的不同挑战,我们总得要知道哪些是我们应该支付的,哪些是可以不支付的。员工以工伤为由,出现消极抵抗行为,什么情况下可以停止支付工伤保险待遇?在涉及第三人的交通事故中,由于出现了不同权责利及政策的规定,情况又会复杂很多,我们该如何化解?…… 诸如此类,一旦出现工伤,我们需要做那些事?
What case is considered as work-related injury? Injury in office, during business trip, in the dormitory or in traffic accident? What fees company should pay when work-related injury happens? When should company stop paying injury insurance? Etc.
In this session, you’ll learn how to deal with work-related injuries and the facilitator will share the best practices to help company prevent dispute and prepare solutions.
课程内容 Course Outline
• 认识工伤保险及原则
• 认定工伤的情形有哪些?
• 如何理解在上下班途中,受到非本人主要责任的交通事故?
• 如何理解在工作时间和工作岗位,突发疾病死亡或者在48小时之内经抢救无效死亡的?
• 哪些工伤待遇由用人单位支付?哪些工伤待遇由社保经办机构支付?
• 工伤停工留薪期间用人单位如何支付待遇?
• 发生工伤需要做的几件事,注意什么?
• 什么情形下停止工伤保险待遇?
• 工伤员工劳动关系如何处理?
• 非全日制用工是否应当缴纳工伤保险?发生工伤时用工单位的责任是什么?
• 退休返聘人员发生工伤时用工单位的责任是什么?
• 职工被借调及派遣期间受到工伤事故伤害的,工伤保险责任由谁承担?
• Employment injury insurance
• Situations of work-related injuries
• Traffic accident during the commute
• Sudden death during work time
• Part of injury indemnity charged by company and part charged by insurance.
• How does the employer pay during the period of work-related injury?
• What should company do when work-related injuries happen?
• When to stop paying work-related injury insurance?
• How to deal with the labor relations of injured employees?...
讲师 Facilitator
满力 Li Man
满力女士,有多年在劳动行政部门从事处理疑难、集体案件的经历。对企业规章制度管理、劳动合同管理、工资福利管理、工时休假管理等都有深刻理解和独到的方法。其授课经验丰富,能够将企业实战与理论研究相结合,满足不同客户的需求。课程理论体系结构严谨,课程内容丰富充实,案例翔实,讲授深入浅出。 为企业有效防止劳动争议的发生,获得诸多好评。
Ms. Man, current senior consultant of LABOURS. She has many years of experience in dealing with difficult and collective cases in the Labour Dispute Arbitration Office. Ms. Man is second-to-none in managing enterprise rules and regulations, labor contracts, wages and benefits, as well as working hour and vocations.
She has rich teaching experience, bringing real-world situations of enterprises and theoretical research into together to courses plentiful enough to meet the demands of different clients. Ms. Man explains the profound in simple term with rigorous structure substantial contents and detailed case. Because of effectively preventing the occurrence of labor disputes, she received highly praise in enterprise.
课程安排 Agenda
Date: April 8th - 9th, 2021
Time: 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm each day
2021.04.08 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
《手把手教你复杂工伤如何处理》(上) Session I
2021.04.09 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
《手把手教你复杂工伤如何处理》(下) Session II
Language: Chinese
Venue: Online Training, the connection information will be sent by e-mail before the training.
Fees: 550 RMB/per session for Members, 680 RMB/per session for Non-members
报名 Registration
Please scan the QR code to register, or send e-mail to bj-training(@)ccifc.org

Please scan the QR code to register, or send e-mail to bj-training(@)ccifc.org
How to deal with work related injury? 手把手教你复杂工伤如何处理 ?
Event ended.