HR Working Group - The Tactics of Dealing Labour Dispute: 3 Stunt Models 劳动争议兵法——三圣模型
Event language(s)
Chinese 中文
The speaker will share with you his experience about how to prevent and deal with the labor disputes. Our ultimate aim is no more labour dispute!
Topics 主题
Dealing Labour Dispute : 3 Stunt Models
- The original aspiration of labour dispute management should come with the compassion of Arya Buddha.
- The management process of labour dispute should come with turn-around power of Mantra Buddha.
- The result of labour dispute should come with the state of the completion of Amita Buddha.
- 劳动争议管理的初心:观世音菩萨的大慈悲心
- 劳动争议管理的过程:大势至菩萨的乾坤手腕
- 劳动争议管理的结果:阿弥陀佛的圆满境界
For an HR professional, the biggest annoyance is dealing with labor disputes.
Dealing with labour disputes is like carrying on a tiny war. War has its military laws, whereas labour disputes dealing also has its tactics. Whether you can estimate the enemy’s fighting capability? Whether you can subdue the enemy without fighting?
Do you know the application of principles of compassion, of reasoning, of benefits, of law? Do you know how to coordinate with your colleague, one playing the generous hero, the other playing the malicious-looking Satan? Do you know that the negotiation is really just the last straw on the camel, yet the most important thing is the "momentum"?
The CCI FRANCE CHINE invite you to participate in the next HR working group ” The Tactics of Dealing Labour Dispute : 3 Stunt Models”.
中国法国工商会诚邀您参加主题为“ 劳动争议兵法——三圣模型”的人力资源工作组聚会,与你分享劳动争议预防与处理之道。
Information 报名信息
Date 日期
October 11th, Friday 2019 2019年10月11日,星期五
Time 时间
7:00 pm-9:30 pm
Fees 费用
Members* 会员价: RMB 280 *person
(* Price includes VAT and dinner)
Venue 地点
Guangzhou Four Seasons Hotel 广州四季酒店
Amber Room, 3/F, 5 Zhujiang west road, pearl river new city, Tianhe district, Guangzhou,China
3楼琥珀厅,广东省广州市天河区珠江新城珠江西路5号 广州四季酒店
Language 语言
Chinese 中文
Register Online 报名方式
If you are interested in this HR Working Group, please scan the QR Code for registration.
Event Location
HR Working Group - The Tactics of Dealing Labour Dispute: 3 Stunt Models 劳动争议兵法——三圣模型
Event ended.