Ilead —leads high performance team
Event language(s)
为适应变化不断加速的未来,企业要能够快速决策和反应,要有高度的灵活性,并能够有序地应对变化,快速实现资源 的优化配置。《领导高绩效团队》就是要顺应未来的变化,依据员工的不同发展阶段因势利导,从领导艺术的角度来实 现人力资源的最优配置和最大效用。
In order to adapt to the accelerated change in the future, enterprises have a high degree of flexibility and be able to make rapid decisions and responses, be able to respond to changes and quickly realize the optimal allocation of resources. "Leading high performance team" is to adapt to the future changes, according to the different stages of development of employees, to achieve the optimal allocation and maximum effectiveness of human resources.
- 帮领导者建立因人而异的领导风格
- 为领导者整合沟通、聆听、反馈、激励、授权等管理方式
- 让领导者关注员工发展状态,不同情景使用合适的管理策略
- 树立以结果为导向的管理观念,提高成员技能和士气,打造高绩效团队
Course Benefits
- Help leaders build different leadership styles
- Help leaders integrate communication, listening, feedback, motivation, authorization and other management methods.
- Let leaders pay attention to the development status of employees and use appropriate management strategies in different situations
- Establish a result oriented management concept, improve the skills and morale of members, and build a high-performance team
主要内容 Main Content
- 开场,介绍课程内容
- 统一观看iLead游戏指导视频
- 学员统一在线完成模拟游戏体验
- 学员提交报告并填写我们提供的游戏反馈表
Part I:ilead online simulation(Pre-training)
(Online video learning and simulation, report collection and case study)
- Brief introduction
- Ilead simulation guide video
- Students submit reports and feedback questionnaire
(which employee do you put the most energy into? Simply analyze and summarize the characteristics of this employee)
- 09:00~09:05 讲师开场自我介绍
- 09:05~09:25 学员模拟报告解读(点评2个左右)
- 09:25~09:35 领导者及面临的挑战
- 09:35~09:45 领导者及领导风格介绍
- 09:45~10:00 员工类型及适应性领导
- 10:00~10:20 四种员工的心理及行为特点
- 10:20~10:35 四种员工特征及心理动机分析
10:35~10:50 休息
- 10:50~11:15 管理者指令行为要点(SMART-5W2H)
- 11:15~11:40 管理者支持行为要点(倾听+提问)
- 11:40~12:00 GROW模型
Part II: Leadership style and management behavior
- 09:00~09:05 Brief introduction
- 09:05~09:25 Interpretation of simulation report
- 09:25~09:35 leaders and their challenges
- 09:35~09:45 Introduction of leaders and leadership styles
- 09:45~10:00 Employees type and adaptive leadership
- 10:00~10:20 Discussion: Psychological and behavioral characteristics of four kinds of employees
- 10:20~10:35 Analysis of four kinds of employees' characteristics and psychological motivation
- 10:35~10:50 Break
- 10:50~11:15 Key points of management instruction behavior(SMART-5W2H)
- 11:15~11:40 Key points of manager support behavior (listening + questioning)
- 11:40~12:00 GROW model
- 13:00~13:10 上午课程内容回顾
- 13:10~13:30 讨论并分享:你觉得哪种员工最难管,你会采用什么管理方式
- 13:30~13:45 入门者员工特征与S1指示式管理:
- 13:45~14:00 管理者工作指导四部曲
- 14:00~14:15 学习者员工特征与 S2 辅导式管理:
- 14:15~14:30 管理者提问技巧
14:30~14:45 休息
- 14:45~15:00 合格者员工特征与S3参与式管理
- 15:00~15:15 马斯洛-赫兹伯格激励理论
- 15:15~15:35 激励的方法与艺术
- 15:35~15:50 自信者员工特征与 S4 授权式管理
- 15:50~16:05 适宜与不宜授权的工作辨识
- 16:05~16:20 义务责任与权限
- 16:20~16:50 案例讨论:适用型领导力应用
- 16:50~17:00课程答疑
Part III: Adaptive leadership:Four kinds of employee management skills
- 13:00~13:10 Review
- 13:10~13:30 Discussion: What kind of employees do you think is the most difficult to manage and what management methods will you adopt?
- 13:30~13:45 The characteristics of first-entry staff and indicative management
- 13:45~14:00 Four steps of work guidance for managers
- 14:00~14:15 The characteristics of studying staff management and guiding management
- 14:15~14:30 Questioning skills of managers
- 14:30~14:45 Break
- 14:45~15:00 Characteristics of qualified employees and S3 participatory management
- 15:00~15:15 Maslow Herzberg incentive theory
- 15:15~15:35 The method and art of motivation
- 15:35~15:50 Characteristics of self-confident employees and S4 authorized management
- 15:50~16:05 Identification the of work which is suitable for authorization
- 16:05~16:20 Obligation, responsibility, and authority
- 16:20~16:50 Case discussion:Application of adaptive leadership
- 16:50~17:00 Q&A
8月12日 9:00-17:00(第二、三部分)
Time: Part I:Aug 11st 9:30-12:00
Part II:Aug 12nd 9:00-17:00

Please contact sh-hr@ccifc.org to complete your registration
Ilead —leads high performance team
Event ended.