Lead the High Performance Team

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Price: 980 RMB*

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 领导者的风格与员工的发展水平有怎样的关系?

 如何从领导者的角度激发团队动能?

 怎样选择最适合团队员工的领导风格?

 领导者怎样将个人的成功转化为团队的成功?

根据世界大型企业联合会(Conference Board)近期的 CEO 挑战报告,人力资源被认为是全球企业和组织面临的第二大挑战。在当今竞争激烈的商业环境中,外部人才市场的限制使得企业愈发重视内部的人才培养计划,发展领导力已经成为企业和组织都要面对的重要挑战。有效的领导者能够更好地执行上级分配的任务,并在组织的各个层面上提供长期的业务指导,从而推进组织的良好发展。

为了帮助企业和组织加速发展优秀领导者,Eddic 结合全球先进的在线模拟培训课程,为企业的初级管理人员、有希望成为管理者的高潜员工设计了 iLead 领导团队游戏化实战模拟课程。参与的学员可以在基于游戏的沉浸式商业模拟环境中,应用领导力的理论和技能来制定关键决策,根据团队成员的情况形成自己的领导风格。iLead 领导挑战模拟课程由专业的领导力模拟课程认证老师引导,学员进行线上练习通过学习和实际演练,学员能够有效地根据团队成员的不同特点进行有效领导,从而理解并掌握不同的领导风格/管理原则和方法并进行实际运用。


  1. Curriculum Introduction

What’s the correlation between the manager’s style and employees’ development level?

How to stimulate team momentum from the manager’s perspective?

How to select the most suitable leadership style?

How does a manager transition individual success to team success?


According to the recent CEO challenge report of the Conference Board, HR has been identified as the second major challenge facing global businesses and organizations. In today’s fierce commercial environment, the restriction of external talent market makes enterprises pay more attention to internal talent cultivation plan. Therefore, developing leadership has become an important challenge for businesses and organizations. Effective leaders can better perform the tasks assigned by the superior level and provide long-term business guidance at various levels of an organization to promote the sound development of the organization.

In order to help businesses and organizations accelerate the development of excellent leaders, the iLead Leadership Team Gamified Combat Simulation Curriculum (hereinafter referred to as this curriculum) is designed for junior management and high potential employees who have the potential to become a manager. In a game-based immersive business simulation environment, participants can apply the theories and skills of leadership to make key decisions and develop your own leadership style according to the conditions of team members. This curriculum is led by a professional teacher. In this curriculum, trainees can do online exercises. Trainees can effectively play a leading role according to different characteristics of team members to understand and master different leadership styles/management principles and out into practical use.


  1. 课程受众Audience

 新任经理 First Time Managers

 高潜员工 High Potential Employees

 中层经理 Middle Level Managers

 待提升的独立贡献者 Promotion-ready Individual Contributors





1. 学习如何针对员工的实际情况,采取恰当的领导风格。

2. 模拟对团队成员进行激励,学习如何鼓励团队成员保持高绩效,推动团队实现组织目标。

3. 模拟建立组织政策和流程,认识到领导方法定制为个性风格的重要性。

4. 模拟如何委派团队并产生更好的业务成果,掌握保留顶尖人才的技巧。

5. 模拟完成后,系统将生成个人的包括领导风格和对风格适应性的报告,突出每个学员的独特领导风格偏好。


  1. Competence and Skills Acquired   

In this curriculum, participants will learn about performance management, coaching authorization, team development and other practices. Participants can make real-world decisions in a risk-free environment to guide the simulation team to success, specifically as follows:

1. To learn how to adopt the appropriate leadership style according to the actual conditions of employees;

2. To simulate the motivation of team members, learn how to encourage team members to stay productive and drive the team to achieve organizational goals;

3. To simulate the establishment of organizational policies and processes and realize the importance of customizing leadership methods into personal styles;

4. To simulate how to delegate teams and lead to better business results, and master the skills to retain top talents; and

5. After the simulation, the system will generate an individual report covering the leadership style and style adaptation, highlighting the leadership characteristics of each trainee.



 模拟课程通过使用故事情节来引入关键领导力主题,强化实践效果并进一步培养领导者在工作中的重要领导技能。

 通过在线模拟,学员可以直接看到自己的决策选择产生的特征反应,从而导致新的结果并影响关键绩效指标(如组织价值、团队满意度、信任以及团队绩效),见证领导风格对员工发展水平的影响。学员能够通过对模拟系统内员工进行指导,学习并反思如何吸引团队成员并留住顶尖人才。

 寓教于乐,游戏中得真知。

  1. Features

This curriculum introduces key leadership themes by storylines to strengthen practical results and further develop important skills of leaders at work.

Trainees can directly see the characteristic responses generated by their decision choices through online simulation, leading to new results and influencing key performance indicators (such as organizational value, team satisfaction, trust and team productivity), and witnessing the impact of leadership style on employees’ development level.

Trainees can attract team members and retain top talents by provide simulative guidance for employees.













模块二  iLead在线模拟



模块三  适用领导风格分析






Day 1

Unit 1

Warming-up and curriculum introduction

Leaders and challenges

What is leadership style?

Staff needs and types

Leader's behavior and matching degree

Characteristics of employees in four different levels

Unit 2

ILead online simulation

Unit 3

Analysis of trainees’ simulation report

Intention style and practical style

Management methods for four types of employees



Please contact sc-hr@ccifc.org to complete your registration.

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