WeChat Official Account Operation Strategies: Standardization and Creativity


Event language(s)
Chinese 中文

Price: RMB 1800 for members
RMB 2000 for non-members

* All taxes included 含税价格


Event ended.


Course Context 课程背景

In the mobile era, an increasing number of companies are using WeChat official account as an important channel for brand building and communication with their audience. Since 2014, the production of WeChat Account content has become a mature industry, including traditional media which is in transition, marketing accounts that earn advertising revenue by publishing soft articles, direct marketing accounts that earn revenue by selling products directly, and individual bloggers who mainly earn "appreciation or like" revenue.




Compared with private WeChat account, WeChat official account has some essential difference: 
1.    Continuously building brand awareness among a wider audience. 
2.    Keeping employees and partners been informed about the most updated company news
3.    Providing examples of products and services for sales and distributors
4.    Continuing to build a brand image among your industry
5.    Reflecting corporate social responsibility and a channel to speak out 
6.    Channel of communication with customers




These operational requirements bring together the traditional Corporate Branding, marketing, advertising, customer acquisition and customer relations.


WeChat official account is considered as the channel of brand output, the concrete embodiment of corporate image and an official voice. Therefore, the first problem in corporate WeChat account operating is not to have more follower, but to establish the brand image.

Strategic planning, brand positioning, long-term content planning, building a team, KPI assessment, legal risk avoidance ...... a series of issues require systematic thinking and planning.

In additional to the above points, to better manage your WeChat official account, you also need to know that the content is the key to the continued operation and gaining audience: How to arrange long-term content, How to consistently find a topic, how to write each article, How to improve the dissemination of the article, how to continuously increase brand influence, How to avoid violations in the specific operation process ......

This course will help students master the overall skills of WeChat official account at the enterprise level, and improve the copywriting skills at the same time through the successful cases, the practical skills and interactive on-site exercises.

Who Should Attend ? 课程受众

Marketing teams of the company



Session 1: The advantages of WeChat official account and successful cases
I. 微信公众号为企业带来的优势及成功案例
1. 公众号是企业品牌营销不可不做的功课
2. 企业级微信公号优质案例


Session 2: Taboos in WeChat official account operation
II. 运营企业微信公号千万不要踩到的“雷”
1. 企业公众号第一要点不是10万+,而是别惹事
2. 正版图片和正版字体
3. 不能碰触的禁忌词
4. 《广告法》的常见违规案例


Session 3: WeChat official account copywriting strategies
III. 企业级微信文案的独特策略
1. 微信公号的六个分类
2. 企业公众号的战略思考方式
3. 服务号还是订阅号?——开通公号的必备考量?
4. 如何全面系统的制定公号定位
5. 长期内容策划如何与企业品牌公关目标相结合


Session 4: Completeness – key points towards a perfect copywriting
IV. 完成度——100分文案的10个得分点
1. 微信公号的评价标准:10个得分点解析
2. 牢记:适屏性和易读性
3. 一篇好文的卖相
4. 三大得分点
5. 三观不正确会损失多少钱?
6. 两大扣分点
7. 人们爱转发什么风格的文章?


Session 5: Planning of successful copywriting
V. 爆款文案靠“策划”
1. 好文案都是策划出来的
2. 实测高效的文案策划法
3. 挖掘你的公号金矿:提炼受众群
4. 提炼你的产品和服务的价值
5. 有战略有格局:站在行业的高度
6. 你是专家:专业有专业的独特优势
7. 视觉文案已经是最新趋势:图片和短视频
8. (实战案例解析)怎么写一份领导满意的微信策划案?


Session 6: Published articles need to be closely related to the latest hot topics
VI. 不会蹭热点的微信没前途
1. 企业蹭热点要谨慎,列出一个紧急表
2. 时效性是蹭热点的关键
3. 蹭热点要蹭出新鲜感和创意度
4. 如何挑选“合适的热点”与目标内容结合成好文案
5. 制作一份微信热点策划日历
6. (现场演练):如何蹭热点?


Session 7: Promotion and fan boosting tips
VII. 推广和涨粉技巧
1. 常用的微信线上活动技巧
2. 线下活动是吸粉好策略
3. “呼吁关注”或者“活动报名”非常重要
4. 6个技巧唤起读者的参与欲
5. 3个方法催促读者
6. 吸粉就要发够福利
7. 活动海报设计技巧


Session 8: WeChat Data analysis
VIII. 微信数据分析
1. 微信公号后台的数据都是什么意思?
2. 如何解读每一篇文章的后台数据?
3. 如何通过数据调整微信运营的战略?
4. 常用微信榜单软件怎么用?
5. (实战案例解析):如何写出一份全面的微信数据分析报告


Session 9: Cases studies
IX.    各行业微信运营优秀案例解析
1.    B2B工业及制造业行业案例:内容数量稳,粘性强,不掉粉
2.    B2B科技类行业案例:越向C端越挑战,内容浅显是关键
3.    B2B第三方及咨询类行业案例
4.    B2B NGO及文化组织类行业案例
5.    B2B金融类行业案例
6.    B2C医疗健康行业案例
7.    B2C教育行业案例
8.    B2C美食类行业案例
9.    B2C快消类行业案例
10.    B2C 旅游类行业案例



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