ALISE FRANCKGood manners & Business Etiquette trainings, Public Speaking coaching, Entrepreneur ship in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, Chinese Lifestyle, Business in China

Alise Franck is the founder of Alise Import Export (Shenzhen) Company Limited, she offers Etiquette Training and aims to open a concept store. She has a master' s degree in History of Literature, Art and Music, and she is a certified Etiquette consultant from "Ecole des Bonnes Mannières " of Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

She has provided a large variety of workshops in China since 2014 collaborating with private clubs, events ( International Food and Wine Festival, China Merchant Bank, Shenzhen), University (Beijing University, Shenzhen), International companies (Barclays Bank, Hongkong) and Public institutions (French Consulate, Wuhan) .

R301, 3F, Chinese Overseas Scholars Venture Building, Hi-tech Industry Park Nanshan District Shenzhen  •  Shenzhen

Set your mind to achieve your goals

An interactive conference between an international HR expert and an entrepreneur living in China for 6 years. They will share with you their best tips...

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