Surina WANG 王丹华Coach

- Accredited Professional Certificated Coach by ICF 国际教练联合会专业认证教练(PCC)
- Evidence-Based Coach by Fielding Graduate University 美国菲尔丁研究院『循证辅导evidence-based』认证教练
- Certified to administer assessment tools such as Hogan, DISC and Facet5 专业心理测评体系Hogan、DISC、360反馈、Facet5等的认证咨询师
Ms. Surina Wang is a global coach for Coach A (one of the world’s largest coaching firms) and Coach Trainer with During 2013 to 2017, she assumed the role of VP and Ambassador for ICF Shanghai Chapter to have promoted quality coaching to maintain the highest standard in ICF and the coaching industry. Surina has accumulated over 20 years of human resources and consulting management related work experience in Greater China region. The companies she used to work with including APP China, Horton International, JP Morgan Fleming Taiwan Group, ING Baring Securities, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, UBS, Bank of America and Coca-Cola Taiwan Ltd.
王女士是Coach A(世界最大专业教练机构)的全球高管教练及『前程无忧』的签约教练培训师;她曾于2013-2017担任国际教练联合会的上海分会委员会副主席及大使,协助推广ICF推崇的优质教练、维持并提高教练专业的标准和执业水平。她从事外资企业人力资源及咨询顾问相关行业20余年,致力于企业高管教练及教练技术培训工作数年,专长领域为领导力发展、职业规划及人生导师。王女士曾就职于数家著名的国际金融机构及企业,全面负责人力资源规划和管理,包括APP金光集团、豪登国际咨询、美国摩根富林明证券、英国ING霸菱证券、加拿大帝国银行、瑞士银行、美国银行以及可口可乐台湾分公司。