Ulan Tuya 乌兰图雅Over 17 years of working experience in International PR agencies

Ulan Tuya has over 17 years of working experience in International PR agencies. She helps multinational enterprises to enter the China market, building their brand and making them known to the Chinese public. These enterprises include Emerson Electric, Mercedes-Benz, Caterpillar Inc. as well as Sony, NBA etc.
She’s also been working with Alibaba, Bank of Beijing, Minsheng Wealth and other local enterprises to grow by empowering them with the brand awareness and cutting-edge digital marketing techniques, so that they can occupy the market quickly.
She is the career mentor of National School of Development, Peking University and is the guest lecturer of School of Management, Tsinghua University and Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.
她服务过众多各行业的领军型企业,包括:世界500强企业卡特彼勒、艾默生电气、百事公司,顶级皮草认证机构哥本哈根皮草、人工耳蜗技术领军企业澳科利耳、全球顶级篮球联赛NBA,著名汽车品牌奔驰、领先快消品厂商高露洁、日本排名靠前的森滨田松本律师事务所等等。她服务过的其他外资企业客户还包括:Siebel Systems、Juniper网络公司、Amdocs、Zoran、GN Netcom、Visto公司等IT及电子类客户,以及U21高教在线、荷兰Nyenrode商学院、芝加哥大学商学院等教育类客户。