Hot labor law topics that have attracted much attention from enterprises in 2020 2020备受企业关注的热点劳动法律问题
Event language(s)
1. Terms and conditions of probations & Evaluation of probationary period
• How to pay wages and social security contributions during the probationary period?
• Probationary period assessment and termination elements
1. 试用条款和试用期考核相关
• 试用期如何支付工资和社保费?
• 试用期考核与解除要件
2. Job rotation & Salary reduction
• Are job rotations and salary reductions due to Covid-19 legal?
• Are job rotations and salary reductions legal in case the employee is incompetent to the position? What if the employee refuses the job rotation and/or the salary reduction?
2. 调岗降薪相关
• 疫情影响,企业经济效应不佳,可否调岗降薪
• 不能胜任工作的员工,可否调岗降薪,以及拒绝调岗的情形
3. Social security related
• Problems encountered in paying social security in a different place of employment
• What are the major favorable policies related to social security?
3. 社保相关
• 异地用工中挂靠代缴社保遇到的问题
• 企业社保相关的重大利好政策是什么?
The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the problems of labor disputes. Wang Jing & GH Law Firm will, by combining case studies, explain in detail the above-mentioned hot labor law issues that have attracted much attention from enterprises in 2020.
Through this exchange, enterprises will have a deeper understanding of legal issues related to the probationary period, job rotation and salary reduction as well as social security.

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Hot labor law topics that have attracted much attention from enterprises in 2020 2020备受企业关注的热点劳动法律问题
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