Online Training | B2B Sales Strategy & Cross-Functional Collaboration (CN)
Event language(s)
B2B 销售策略及协同方法 This session covers the strategy part of B2B sales from four aspects: market, pricing, targets and coordination
Course Design 课程设计:
The 3-hour online training covers B2B sales strategy from four aspects: market, pricing, targets and coordination, the cornerstones before the implementation of sales landing. The facilitator will lead students with case sharing and simulation scenario practice and study from four dimensions: Industry, enterprise, team and individual.
Course Objective 培训目的:
Course Outline课程大纲
*培训语言为中文,线上授课,培训平台为Microsoft Teams(网页版或手机应用)。
14:00 - 14:40
I. 市场 vs 销售:踢开客户大门的主攻手和助攻手 Marketing vs Sales
• 影响力转化成销售线索 Influence transforms into sales lead
• 销售线索制造中心 Sales leads collecting
• 销售线索落地经纬论 Sales leads landing
14:40 - 15:20
II. 定价策略:价格、价钱与价值 Pricing Strategy
• 产品和服务的定位 Product and service positioning
• 如何定位和竞品的关系 How to positioning the relationship with competitor
• 卖给 B 端客户的到底是什么奇迹前发生了什么 What exactly is being sold to B-side clients
15:20 - 16:00
III. 销售指标设定:天空才是上限 Sales target setting
• 为什么要设定销售指标 Why setting sales target?
• 销售指标设定基准线 Sales target setting baseline
• 销售指标设定方法 Sales target setting method
16:00 - 16:40
IV. 资源协调和组织:军功章应该颁发给谁 Resources organization
• 销售与销售管理部/管理层协作 Coordination of sales and management team
• 销售与法务协作 Sales and legal collaboration
• 销售与财务协作 Sales and finance collaboration
• 销售与 HR 协作 Sales and HR collaboration
16:40 - 17:00 问答环节 Q&A
Facilitator 培训师:
Mr. Jim Yang 杨朝晖先生
Senior Relationship Manager, LinkedIn China
Registration 报名注册:
Please scan the QR code to register, or send e-mail to sh-Training@ccifc.org

Please scan the QR code to register, or send e-mail to sh-Training@ccifc.org
Online Training | B2B Sales Strategy & Cross-Functional Collaboration (CN)
Event ended.